Disaster Loans & Tax Programs
Business resources for early education providers addressing COVID-19
​Tuition & Other Revenue Strategies
Capture revenue
Ask families to pay/donate
Communicate honestly with families
Relationships are important
Keep the learning happening
Treat each situation on a case by case basis
Consider modifying current contracts
Add subsidy & school age care to offerings
Creative Financing
Supply Donations
Business Grants
Direct Loans
Home Equity Loans
Retirement Accounts
Strategies for Managing Expenses
Reduce Labor Costs
Forgive overhead expenses
Review all expenses and eliminate non-essentials
Negotiate with creditors - all of them!
Consider delayed tax options:
Next Steps
Parents may seek temporary child care
Consider offering less than full-time care:
part-time​, drop-in​
overnight, weekend
Care for school age children ​
If you change hours, contact business liability insurance to make sure you're still covered
Prepare for summer programming
Catch up on your wish list: add technology, engage social media, update your website
Strategic Planning
STEP 1: Explore Financial Options
Consider Other Revenue Sources
STEP 2: Calculate Cash Flow
Cash Flow Projection Worksheet
STEP 3: Seek Additional Funding
STEP 4: Consider Next Steps
Glossary of Business
Financial Terms